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Перевод: recalcitrance speek recalcitrance

непокорность ; упорство; упрямство


  1. Allowing for the conventions of sedate amenity that governed American reviewing (as for the most part they still do), one can detect in the American reviewers of Eliot's Poems (1920) and of The Waste Land (1922) the same recalcitrance that the British reviewers expressed more cheekily.
  2. After the story of the golden calf, and the tales in Numbers of the people's continued recalcitrance, it is understandable that their God, yearning with such an ancient longing to enjoy requited love, should insist that they be protected at all costs from the allurements of other gods, and other religions.
  3. There is a "Middle Eastern" recalcitrance here.
  4. At the root of all their recalcitrance lay ingratitude and a failure to remember.
  5. Even this degree of recalcitrance put Henry in a difficulty.
  6. These are: that Braverman ignores worker resistance; that management may be ignorant of the most effective ways of meeting worker recalcitrance; that there are more ways of killing a cat than skinning it (in other words, that there are mechanisms other than fragmentation and de-skilling which management can use to control recalcitrant labour); that technological and market opportunities vary across firms and that these influence the outcome of the struggle between capital and labour over the form of work organisation which is adopted; and that the tight control of labour and the need to maximise output from individual workers may not be management's most dominant concern in every case.
  7. Conceptually, the inner city is a space outside society which has shown, for whatever reasons, a marked recalcitrance in responding to the macro-economic revival that surrounded it on all sides (Massey and Meegan, 1989).
  8. With a substantial widening of the franchise, Peres hoped to head off what he saw as PLO-inspired recalcitrance and allow the accommodationist vote to prevail.
  9. It is as if God, embittered by the recalcitrance of humanity, has turned to behaving in the same manner as that imputed to him by the serpent in the Garden in its dialogue with the woman.
  10. There was some apprehension, not only because of the newness of the organisation and the awareness that hitches could easily occur, but also because of possible French recalcitrance.
  11. Those that had not fled out of fear, political animosity to the Bolsheviks, or for lack of food and pay, were apt to be shackled as much by their own situation as by peasant recalcitrance to learn.
  12. It is a measure of the grim recalcitrance of the region's problems that Schultz's message was reported to have been saluted by a strike called in protest among the Palestinians of the occupied territories.
  13. It was not unknown in Nigeria for emirs to be removed from office by the British, but only when they committed crimes which brought discredit upon the administration, never for mere recalcitrance.

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