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Перевод: recast speek recast

придание новой формы; придание исправленной формы; переделка ; переработка ; переливание;
переделывать; исправлять; придавать новую форму; перестраивать; отливать заново; пересчитывать; поставить пьесу с новым составом исполнителей; перераспределять роли


  1. But these events of war didn't really disturb Little Weirwold except for Miss Emilia Thorne who had to recast the Christmas show as each evacuee left for home.
  2. Primary subject syllabuses were reviewed and recast during 1963 by subject panels largely composed of experienced teacher trainers and inspectors, moderated and in some degree co-ordinated by an advisory committee, edited in the Inspectorate and issued in 1965.
  3. He became increasingly attached to an almost Greek sense of the hero, but recast in a mould similar to Nietzsche's superman.
  4. Transforming the original numbers by taking logs (or by one of the other transformations considered below) is an essentially trivial operation: the order of the numbers is preserved, and they can easily be recast in their original form by taking antilogs.
  5. Jack Jones himself remained poised, perhaps torn, between his traditional stance as a union negotiator committed to autonomy and his wider view of the need to recast an adversarial industrial-relations system.
  6. In 1964 when you came in you tried to recast both the structure and the thrust of Cabinet government.
  7. This was in the mid 1560s, when Mary was still in power, so that it reads like Knox's wishful thinking rather than anything else; and it was then recast into the famous phrase by the Protestant chronicler Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie, writing in the 1570s, by which time the representative of the house of Stewart was the child James VI, and the lass had long gone - into English captivity.
  8. In literature and in media education, pupils should explore, for example, ways in which different groups in society are stereotyped or their viewpoints represented, and in which stories can be recast to reflect different authorial attitudes or characterisations of participants.
  9. Six in all, the largest was hung in 1635 and recast in 1949.
  10. When Gilroy explained the commercial necessities of having to recast, and offered him the job of understudy and assistant stage manager, he stormed out of the theatre in a rage.
  11. NOW all the data values can be recast in the traditional DFR form: Data (205) = Fit (189.4) Residual (15.6)
  12. The epic of human redemption was now recast as a domestic tragedy between the Father and the Son, in which the Devil, and incidentally the Holy Spirit, do not seem to be directly involved.
  13. This time it is not a matter of rate-capping and "the cuts", though they no doubt played a part, but of decisions to recast teacher training.

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