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Перевод: relatively

относительно; сравнительно; соответственно; по поводу


  1. The figures in the first three years of the Long-Term Costing are detailed and relatively firm because they are fixed by the Public Expenditure Survey Committee each year - hence they are referred to in Whitehall jargon as the PESC years.
  2. The planners put most effort into acquiring micro-environmental information (competitive: industries, companies, products and services, markets), with relatively little attention to the macro-environmental influences (economic/financial, political, social/ cultural, technological).
  3. We still have a lot to learn about corporate governance, and we should not try to impose a single and relatively untried model on the UK's major companies.
  4. An interesting point is that the tendency to fracture by the spreading of cracks is relatively little affected by temperature whereas the viscosity or shearing stress is very dependent upon temperature.
  5. The equipment is relatively cheap and simple to use.
  6. On the one hand - and this is a point to which I shall return - there is a dual claim against Lukcs' evolutionism (to the effect that different levels of a social formation are relatively autonomous: crudely, if bourgeois society is decadent this does not necessarily mean, as Lukcs thought it did, that its art is too), and in favour of the possibility of being able to pass a positive "aesthetic judgement" upon a particular work however questionable the general category under which it has been produced (a position related to Brecht's polemic against Lukcs).
  7. Some parishes with a larger problem maintained workhouses or poorhouses, ranging from relatively well-run institutions to vermin-ridden dumps for the poor and insane.
  8. It is relatively easy to fit metal, plastic, or foam strips around the sides of the doors to exclude draughts.
  9. This arises due to an inadequate tax base and/or tax evasion by citizens with relatively high incomes.
  10. In the developed world, the harnessing of fossil fuel energy as well as other scientific developments, and their application to agricultural systems, has opened up a new range of agricultural possibilities: but all this has happened over a relatively long time period and is not without its environmental implications.
  11. In relatively unpopulated areas such as ours, the word "neighbour" has a meaning unknown in town.
  12. This is a relatively minor example of the way in which memories of past events can be locked into muscles in spasm, a subject which will be dealt with more fully in the section on ego-strengthening.
  13. Mr Kinnock hinted at the weekend that direct democracy was likely to become mandatory relatively soon.

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