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Перевод: reliance speek reliance

доверие; уверенность ; опора ; надежда


  1. Older people are more likely to experience the circumstances that cause "fuel poverty" - low income; poor quality housing with little or no insulation; and reliance on expensive and inefficient heating systems.
  2. The authors are unconvinced that a reliance on business, left to its own devices or even pump-primed, is sufficient, without full-scale and direct attention to the needs of all residents, those in both the paid and the unpaid workforce, and their dependants.
  3. Complete reliance upon medical professionals can therefore be dangerous.
  4. This might include intangibles such as self reliance, acceptability, persuasiveness etc
  5. It is typical of him to assert, as Judaism does roundly, that all work is honourable; and deny that the reliance on special work and destiny ("God's work") elevates a man per se .
  6. Even then Chaplin avoided being too socially specific, for over and above this there was his own never quite fully adult quality and his essential reliance on mime technique and silence which ensured that he remained a fairy-tale symbol and never became a real-life person.
  7. Its obvious injustice would entirely destroy all confidence in the integrity of Government, and any reliance professional men might be induced to give to official programmes in the future; while its realisation would inflict a serious and almost irreparable injury on the dignity and integrity of a liberal profession.
  8. "A debility and dimness of the imaginative power," I read, in panic, "and a consequent necessity of reliance on the immediate impressions of the senses, do, we well know, render the mind liable to superstition and fanaticism -"
  9. Cradle type with chrome dial (manufacturer: Reliance Telephone Company) Value 40.80.
  10. Reality, in York as elsewhere, means precious little public protection for our pubs and heavy reliance on the better nature of the brewers credit - brewers such as Samuel Smith's, for for their loving and appropriately "benign neglect" of a low-barrelage, unpretentious gem like The Wellington Inn in Alma Terrace, York.
  11. Self reliance, individual enterprise, "what's in it for me", as opposed to "how can we help our neighbour", was the message.
  12. Chief among these, I would argue, are a too heavy reliance on language, particularly descriptive terminology, a constant preoccupation with classroom and textbook centred examples at the expense of using the rich mathematical resources in an environment, and a sense of rigid, logical class by-class progression resulting probably from the original division into year-based writing groups.
  13. He preferred to keep acquaintances as such, rarely divulged his feelings and placed little reliance on others.

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