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Перевод: reprieve speek reprieve

отсрочка ; отсрочка приведения в исполнение смертного приговора; передышка ; временное облегчение;
откладывать приведение в исполнение смертного приговора; отсрочить исполнение; давать человеку передышку; доставить временное облегчение


  1. The Americans hope that the installation of Mr Mesic would bolster Croats and Slovenes who hang back from independence now; that Mr Markovic and his economic reform would win a reprieve; and that time might be gained for Serbian opposition to Mr Milosevic to grow.
  2. In the late 1940s when council housing was planned, Lord MacDonald allowed the old houses with resident tenants a reprieve from the builder's bulldozer.
  3. They have had a warning, and a reprieve.
  4. TWO Kurdish refugees will be deported this afternoon to Turkey - where they say they face persecution and torture - unless they win a last-minute reprieve.
  5. The loss of Barnes has brought Waddle a reprieve, and a switch to the left to accommodate Rocastle on the right.
  6. The Proconsul offers him a last-minute reprieve, however, if he will repent and swear by the genius of Caesar.
  7. There, without ceremony and possibility of reprieve, an average of 50 men and women, the day's catch of illegal immigrants, are bundled back into China.
  8. He will be one of a number of players in Mike Gatting's disapproved touring team to South Africa hoping for a reprieve from their ban when the ICC meet this July.
  9. It was on this basis that the defence were able to confound the evidence of the prosecution and gain Leonard Arthur his reprieve.
  10. The Charter 87 campaign group for refugee rights wrote yesterday to Timothy Renton, Minister of State at the Home Office, pleading for a reprieve.
  11. In Moments of Reprieve he remarks: "What the "true" image of each of us may be in the end is a meaningless question."
  12. He was lucky to be invited back, but there was no reprieve for Tom Kite, who misses his first Masters since 1974 despite 10 top finishes in that time.
  13. Indeed, if one did not know Cruyff better, one might have mistaken for gloom the mood in which he unsmilingly accepted his reprieve.

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