s sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sy

Перевод: segment speek segment

часть ; кусок ; доля ; долька ; сектор ; сегмент ; отрезок ; ламель коллектора; пластина коллектора;
делить на сегменты; делиться на сегменты


  1. Although microspectrophotometric measurements are usually made by passing the beam transversely through the outer segment, our measurements of cells in these foveal patches were necessarily axial; the absorption spectra may thus be subject to minor distortion by inert pigments in the inner segments, by waveguide effects, or by scattering in other retinal tissue.
  2. It would be wrong to suggest that any segment of an eighteenth-century electorate was truly independent, and a number of ties joined the freeholders to the party, or interest, of a local politician.
  3. The system stored the form any letter may take within the sample, and indicated all the different letters of which a segment of any description may be a part.
  4. Even more notably it was the speech, not of a subordinate minister, but of a leader, striking a new note, and invoking an enthusiastic response from a broad segment of the electorate.
  5. Because programs can store any segment of any letter, this process is far less laborious than it once was, though it still took around three months for the nine fonts which make up the Ecotype family.
  6. Recognizable domains include a hydrophobic region (shown as a deleted H 2 O symbol), a putative kringle-like fold, an immunoglobulin-like fold (lg), a cluster of carbohydrate attachment sites (glyco), an EGF-like motif (EGF), a membrane-spanning - helical segment (TM) and a cytoplasmic extension.
  7. By far the largest segment of sociological literature concerning women is focused on their roles as wives, mothers and housewives - but not on the housewife's role as houseworker .
  8. This company has no tied outlets but is completely dominant in its own market segment.
  9. When these are assembled they should form a flat plate or circle with no gaps or spaces between each segment, and an even circumference.
  10. each segment is at a different stage of market penetration.
  11. Sales fell 9.8% to 5,440m, and Bull blames the world economic slowdown, price wars in the personal computer market segment and the effects of structural changes in the industry - but those problems also affected Hewlett-Packard Co, ICL Plc and NCR Corp, all of which managed to remain profitable and to grow in 1991.
  12. A segment of the CSP gene containing the DNA encoding this epitope was amplified by PCR and the allelic variants detected by specific oligonucleotide probes.
  13. We postulate that GGFBPP1 and/or a related transcript (containing segment 2 as an N-terminal coding segment instead of segment 1) may lack mitogenic activity.

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