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Перевод: shrivel speek shrivel

высыхать; вянуть; сморщиваться; съеживаться; сжиматься; скрючиваться; ссыхаться; сморщивать; делать бесполезным; делаться бесполезным


  1. Muslim ones tend to shrivel up at the thought of their women going out to work.
  2. Clayton's film cleared the way for a cycle of films with proletarian heroes who, for all their bluster, see their dreams shrivel in melancholy and their little rebellions crash to the ground.
  3. It is they, after all, who have always been the symbols of their culture and traditionally it is at their slightest touch that the delicate flower of Izzat can shrivel.
  4. Her anger, newly kindled, needed something to scorch and shrivel before it could be extinguished.
  5. Full sun is likely to shrivel the leaves and it is this, rather than the soil, that will spoil autumn display.
  6. Flowers simply shrivel up, the combined effect of dryness at the roots and attacks by tiny, shiny black pollen beetles, escapees from oil seed rape fields.
  7. She felt her spirit shrivel in her, withdrawing in alarm from the coldness of her extremities.
  8. It should shrivel in ineptitude..
  9. The poor things shrivel up in protest.
  10. They shrivel on the page.
  11. Oh Lord of the Kremlin and may your onions never shrivel.
  12. Allow timber containers to absorb some moisture outside first, so they don't draw it from the fruit and cause it to shrivel.

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