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Перевод: shuffle speek shuffle

шарканье; перемещение; перемена мест; тасование; увертка ; уловка ; трюк ;
шаркать; шаркать ногами; перемешивать; волочить ноги; вилять; увиливать; хитрить; тасовать; изворачиваться; ерзать; перемещать; меняться местами; колебаться


  1. From there we had to shuffle down the underground to Davenports Magic Shop, where Paul had been lured in order to buy an ancient Chinese trick, hence the coolie gear.
  2. It's probably where the expression "work like a dog" was born; no wonder they shuffle under the shearing sheds and grab as much sleep as they can when they're not clambering over sheep's backs or kicking up the fine, red dust.
  3. Do the bottom shuffle while watching telly.
  4. In a small enclosure three reindeer sniff the air, detect dog, either from the dogs themselves deliberately left many yards away, or from our clothing, and shuffle nervously as we approach.
  5. The evening wears on and we all shuffle impatiently.
  6. This allows the machine-chisel to shuffle back and forth, stepping down to full depth.
  7. Perkin took Mackie to shuffle on the square of dance floor adjoining the table.
  8. Out of ten quickwitted siblings, big brother Keenan Ivory emerged first to test his home-grown humour in the real world, co-writing the industry parody Hollywood Shuffle and creating the ultrahip, irreverent US TV series In Living Color (a kind of blacker and ruder Saturday Night Live , shown here on BskyB).
  9. Behind him, distantly, a bugle was sounding, followed by the clank and shuffle of armoured men running.
  10. "I much prefer this music," Herman said, doing an awkward shuffle.
  11. After small parts in movies like Roxanne, Hollywood Shuffle and Colors , his much-anticipated major feature debut in the schlockbuster The Last Boy Scout was a big disappointment.
  12. If their shells are near the Julies, then it might be politic to shuffle them gradually to the other end.
  13. So you cannot shuffle off your responsibilities as my officer in that way, Bragg."

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