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Перевод: silica speek silica

кремнезем ; кварц ; двуокись кремния; кремневый ангидрит


  1. This should not be taken too literally - not every rock in the crust is a granite - things like limestones are vastly different in composition - but the average composition of all the rocks on the continents is about that of granite and contains over 60 per cent of silica.
  2. The columns exhibit a lower trace metal content than inorganic oxides like silica and the bead strength and packing density extend column life.
  3. Below : A graphical representation of: The crystalline structure of silica.
  4. (Inimical means that certain remedies have been found to be similar in their action that prescribing them in succession leads to aggravation e.g. Mercury and Silica shouldn't follow each other without interposing some other remedy) 2) The beauty of the LM system is encompassed in it's ability to fulfill .2 of The Organon:
  5. Sandia National Laboratories and Dow Corning have signed a cooperative R D agreement to investigate new silica processing methods.
  6. Andesites come halfway between basalts and granites in almost every property: silica content, density, colour and so on, so they are known as intermediate rocks.
  7. These are the rhyolites, which are right at the other end of the spectrum from basalts; that is to say they are acid, contain a lot of silica and have the same composition as granite.
  8. Store the envelopes in an airtight container, and include a sachet of silica gel to absorb moisture (if the gel turns pink, dry gently in the oven until it turns blue again).
  9. Spectrophotometer specialist Milton Roy has appointed Lightpath Optical , the glass and silica cell supplier, as its agent in England and Wales.
  10. Flint is regarded by geologists as a particular form of chert, a chalcedony: that is, a material which is almost pure silica with small inclusions of water.
  11. Two major divisions of sponges are distinguished on the composition of the spicules: the glass sponges have a skeleton composed of silica, one of the few examples in nature where this material is used as a basis for a skeleton, while the calcareous sponges use calcium carbonate for their spicules.
  12. The pumice that we know from painful experience in the bathroom consists of material containing over 65 per cent of silica, and there is a general tendency to associate pumice only with acid rocks such as rhyolites.
  13. Batches of about sixty samples, each sealed in a pure silica tube, are irradiated, together with six samples of a standard clay of already known chemical composition.

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