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Перевод: slake speek slake

утолять жажду; удовлетворять; гасить известь; тушить


  1. Ten years to slake a global thirst
  2. Thirst, for instance, is not a cultural issue, but the means selected by the individual to slake his thirst - tea, coffee, fruit juices, etc - is influenced by his cultural background.
  3. It is diverted hundreds of miles along aqueducts to slake the thirst of Los Angeles, Phoenix and Tucson.
  4. Students from the Army School of Piping and ministers to be, slake their thirsts along with local worthies and, of course, tourists.
  5. He had managed to slake her lust.
  6. The lust he had was to slake her own unmistakable lust.
  7. He shall slake his sea fever to the full.
  8. The fate awaiting someone pitched from his horse in such a place might be blood-poisoning, "being dreadfully venom'd by rolling in slake", as William Hall put it in his nineteenth-century fen doggerel.
  9. She blanked out the sudden picture of white sands and her and Lucy in a scented olive-grove evening her heart panted to slake its thirst with dreaming, but she slammed the scenes of happiness as illusion, mirage.
  10. Somewhere in the back of his mind was the knowledge that Legion wanted the woman kept alive, but the sight of Kreig's ears had given Ardamal a thirst, and he needed to slake it.
  11. In your article "Ten years to slake a global thirst" (10 March.
  12. That slake our bodies with the lime of light,
  13. He was an honest merchant whose skills, and those of others, including thank God the British Nan, had made him rich enough to slake any whim to satiety.

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