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Перевод: slimy speek slimy

илистый; вязкий; болотистый; слизистый; скользкий; грязный; елейный; подобострастный


  1. It can protrude from its body a soft, slimy stomach which then glides between the spines and invades the centre of the sea urchin The victim's body is slowly digested before the stomach is withdrawn again to the interior of the sea star.
  2. Nothing seemed to be happening, all his senses were apparently functioning normally, except that the sweet in his mouth seemed permeated with the awful smell; had become a slimy lump of filth.
  3. You can actually feel that there is a grimy, slimy layer that disappears after a little rubbing leaving a soft slightly oily feel to the skin.
  4. I could not have opened it then in any case, for that would have been a physical impossibility - tempting though the picture is of the evil creature on the other side of the door getting a well-deserved spasm of slimy stomach bile heaved right up into his florid and trendily moustachioed face.
  5. Picking my way over the cobbles, slimy and damp with centuries of hiding from the sun, I reached the musty room where I collected my raincoat from the attendant.
  6. His oh-so-careful slimy grin that lashed out and maimed as much as a punch or a kick.
  7. Looking into the yawning mouth of the trap with the moonlight flickering on the wet slimy seaweed within, was not unlike looking down the throat of some attacking monster.
  8. Frequently there is a mass of slimy substance.
  9. Near the entrance to the park, an Army doctor was working, but the only medicine he had was iodine, which he painted over cuts, bruises, slimy burns, everything - and by now everything that he had painted had pus on it.
  10. They had sprouted from buried wood in the vegetable garden and sported livid blue-green, slimy caps.
  11. I could see her face now, Mum's face, eyeshadow and lipstick perfect as always, struggling there in the thick slimy mud - gasping, sinking
  12. There are yellow or yellowy green, slimy and undigested stools.
  13. He cursed loudly as his rubber clad right foot struck off a slimy rock and plunged knee-deep into the mud and water.

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