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Перевод: slurry speek slurry

жидкая глина; жидкое цементное тесто


  1. Table 3: Computer model illustrating operating costs of alternative disposal options, both with and without grant aid, on a mixed farm producing 10cu m of pig slurry and 6cu m of cattle slurry/day (1,500 pigs and 100 dairy cattle).
  2. Farmers are under pressure from tough legislation in many areas of agriculture, but nowhere more so than in slurry disposal.
  5. Slurry may be mixed with water and spread by tanker or irrigation pipeline.
  6. "This approach involves making a series of slots in the ground into which the slurry is discharged," he says.
  7. Table 2: Comparison of slurry application times for tanker and umbilical injection equipment with conventional surface application, operating in a 10ha field situated 500m from slurry store.
  8. Generally, the lower the slurry's dry matter content, the easier it is to move.
  9. Winter injection used to be popular, until experts found that wet soil often didn't absorb the slurry properly and increased the danger of run-off.
  10. Slurry is injected into a 20mm (0.75in) wide groove which can be up to 60mm (2.3in) deep, and on all models, the slot is opened by a pair of discs mounted on a flexible arm, a feature which is said to ensure precise depth control.
  11. "They will write slurry into the nitrogen bill only when someone discovers a really practical way of showing what's in it."
  12. Spreading slurry above ground with a tanker and splashplate may be quick and easy, but it isn't the most environment-friendly of techniques.
  13. It involves only small changes to existing slurry disposal practices, the chief one being that slurry is applied through injectors rather than through a discharge nozzle.

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