s sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sy

Перевод: sop speek sop

кусок хлеба, обмакнутый в подливку, молоко и т.п.; взятка ; подарок или подачка; тряпка ; бесхарактерный человек;
макать; обмакивать; мочить; намачивать; промокать; пропитывать; пропитывать хлеб; впитывать; вбирать


  1. As a sop to angry opposition MPs and international agencies, the Foreign Secretary, Mr Douglas Hurd, told the Commons that no more Vietnamese would follow the 51 deported during Monday night until the issue had been debated in the House on Tuesday.
  2. Irish Women United formed in the early seventies, a radical counter to the government sop, the Council for the Status of Women.
  3. "It cost sop a packet and was called The Skin-Scorcher.
  4. There was one other condition of release: having a husband in the Home Forces who wanted his wife to be with him - a sop to the Services, this.
  5. We must persuade industry not merely to give away their tax- deductible loot as a sop to worthy environmental causes and charities but actually to find ways of integrating environmental capital into their accounts, as part of their business - a kind of natural account - a problem we are researching at the moment.
  6. However good scenery is not one of the major virtues on the critical scale; many published opinions throw it in as a sop, a makeweight to balance what they see as much more serious flaws deep in the heart of the Tolkienian "fable", in the essential story of The Lord of the Rings .
  7. I'd like to see the award restructured as a bursary for aspiring talent - though that, too, would have obvious pitfalls - rather than the annual sop to what Ed terms "the interests of publishers, literati or establishment".
  8. The higher the altitude, the greater is the gain in economy and efficiency from leaning: make it your SOP regardless of altitude.
  9. With the development of Indian tariff autonomy starting in the early 1920s - another sop to the moderates - the process had begun whereby Britain was transformed by 1942 from India's creditor into India's debtor.
  10. Milk code is sop
  11. As a small sop to regional differences, special networks were to be set up in the Ukraine, the Caucasus, and the other national minority areas.
  12. Beaton was initially given a sop; on 10 January he was made chancellor.
  13. The merger failed because, in the post-Westland environment it was seen as yet another sop to the United States, and more specifically, because GM insisted that Land Rover should be included in the package with Leyland Vehicles.

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