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Перевод: spoliation speek spoliation

грабеж ; захват ; захват имущества; захват судов; разграбление; уничтожение документа; преднамеренное уничтожение или искажение документа


  1. B. Most of the spoliation of our landscapes, coastlines and rivers has been due to the activities of business people during the last 100 years or so.
  2. Salt in his care for natural beauty and condemnation of the spoliation of the countryside was in advance of his time.
  3. But spoliation has also been inadvertent, and many a Scandinavian lake has now been sterilized by rain made acid by the exhausts of motor cars and factories, hundreds of miles away.
  4. The Potential For Further Environmental spoliation
  5. Maurice is raising hell - spoliation of the countryside, damage to the rural environment, forcible eviction of rabbits you name it."
  6. There had been some earlier pioneers, notably Robert Sturmy of Bristol, who sent two ill-fated ventures there in 1446 and 1457, the first ending in the wreck of his ship off Greece and the second in a spoliation by the Genoese, which provoked retaliation against the Genoese in England and the seizure of their goods.
  7. The financial difficulties arising out of Henry VIII's wars were, however, to clear the way for a massive redistribution of landed resources through the spoliation of the Church.

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