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Перевод: stubbornly



  1. More moderate temperaments, to whom the patterning seemed a sort of death in the first place, are apt to remain stubbornly cheerful.
  2. That humanity will find something to replace war is certain, but it will never come to light until the suffocating mass of claims based on unbelievably primitive and stubbornly adhered-to religion and superstition, is swept away in its entirety.
  3. But the real villains are the Luxembourgers and Italians who stubbornly continue to buy leaded petrol, even though many of their petrol stations offer the cleaner alternative.
  4. "I can," said Rachel stubbornly.
  5. Indeed, contrary to MAFF's stubbornly held views that the LFA Directive cannot be used to support conservation except as an ancillary to agricultural development, the then Minister of Agriculture, Mr Peter Walker, answered a question in the House on 10 December 1981 on how successful the LFA Directive had been in encouraging production in the UK.
  6. Batty was magnificently constructive throughout but things refused stubbornly to gel up to the interval.
  7. Long after even the latest apple tree has finally broken into leaf, the mulberry's branches remain stubbornly bare.
  8. "Pull yourself together!" she shouted at herself, mentally, like a true public schoolgirl (one's education never leaves one: even the religion stays stubbornly in the core of one's being).
  9. Also, the wild asses from northern Africa survive in some of the hottest places on earth and their bodies are stubbornly stripeless.
  10. Stubbornly Jack said, I'm not getting married today.
  11. The refusal to collude in the state of dreamlessness that is adulthood, even to the Pyrrhic point of clinging stubbornly to the state of being unsatisfied, forever.
  12. Yet among the half million Palestinians now living in Lebanon, many stubbornly went on cherishing these keys and their titles of ownership in Palestine.
  13. The child might never have known his or her grandfather nor seen the small piece of land that made him a landlord, yet the child remained stubbornly a landlord in official eyes decades after land reform.

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