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Перевод: subsistence speek subsistence

существование; средства к существованию; пропитание


  1. The main costs are likely to be advertising space; agency fees (if an outside bureau is used); candidates' travelling and subsistence expenses; and perhaps relocation expenses for the successful candidate.
  2. These facts, coupled with population growth, suggest that by the year 2000 most of the remaining forests will have disappeared and been replaced with subsistence farming with a little surplus income derived from cash crops.
  3. Since that time the productivity of the top 20 per cent of farmers has been sustained with a continuous record of technical improvement; about 40 per cent have maintained a level of productivity which enables them to generate an acceptable income; and a further 40 per cent have continued to produce enough for their own household's subsistence requirements.
  4. Moreover, the necessity for greater capital and technological inputs and the move away from a subsistence agriculture involved the peasant in greater risks.
  5. His argument is that the penetration of capitalism into the countryside leads to the articulation of the capitalist mode with the subsistence economy, which in turn leads to the diversification of the village economy, with wage migration becoming an increasing part of rural life.
  6. In addition to the attendance or financial loss allowance, a member may also claim travelling and subsistence allowances necessarily incurred by him for the purpose of performing an approved duty.
  7. In the case of members of committees who are not entitled to attendance allowance because they are not councillors of the authority, there is, instead of the attendance allowance, a financial loss allowance in respect of any loss of earnings necessarily suffered, or additional expense incurred (other than travelling or subsistence allowance) in performing an approved duty.
  8. As the peasant moves from subsistence agriculture to the production of cash crops, he loses the security that a subsistence plot provides, that is a basic food supply.
  9. It could not be taken along with poor relief, and those with criminal records were excluded; it was only available at seventy, not sixty; and it was set at a very mean level, a mere five shillings, below the bare minimum which Seebohm Rowntree calculated was then needed for subsistence.
  10. The agricultural working class, deprived of a subsistence on the land by the enclosures of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, thronged to the cities of the Midlands and the North where the economics of laissez-faire forced them to work long hours in wretched conditions for miserable wages, and threw them out of employment altogether as soon as there was a downturn in the market.
  11. By 1925, this early optimism had disappeared and the District continued to struggle at a financial subsistence level throughout the whole period, apparently incapable of seriously addressing the resolution of the problem of financial self-sufficiency.
  12. But retirement and the retirement pension, while certainly providing subsistence incomes to prevent destitution, have created and perpetuated universal enforced unemployment among older people and the lowered incomes that go with it.

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