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Перевод: subsume speek subsume

включать в категорию; относить к какой-л. категории


  1. The European Commission's proposal for an environment agency (see above) will subsume the CORINE team and databases.
  2. Some tasks may be logically more complex than others in the sense that they subsume simpler tasks.
  3. Nationhood can subsume ethnic groupings.
  4. Fielding notes how some constables subsume these negotiating skills under the category of "talk", which gives meaning to their complaint that many younger policemen seem no longer to know how to talk to members of the public (1988b: 60; also see Holdaway 1983: 90; Southgate 1982: 11-;12).
  5. A sub-committee for conferences is, therefore, to be set up with responsibility for all the conferences organised under DAB's auspices; this subcommittee will subsume the Annual Congress Committee.
  6. The provisional IRA's commitment to violence against the British and against the protestant - loyalist alliance, which the provisionals rhetorically and conveniently subsume under the term "the British", is frequently assumed to be based on either Marxist or nationalist principles and in both cases to be secularist or areligious.
  7. This description is given, partly verbally and partly in a more formal way (by tables and diagrams), in the computer system reference manual, or in a programmer's guide to the computer's assembler language; the latter tends to subsume the effect of some of the computer's more basic software in the description.
  8. Marxism's inability to deal with the political interventions of other oppositional groups has meant that its History can no longer claim to subsume all processes of change.
  9. Griffiths suggests that the legacy of Descartes to the philosophical understanding of emotions has been to subsume them into one of two categories, mind or body, and to make them rational or non-rational.
  10. This means that the process of totalization must be kept moving by the critical investigation itself on which it comes to depend but which by the same token it can never subsume.
  11. Structural descriptions are concerned with the realisation of meaning through the organisation of speech sounds and subsume grammatical descriptions at the level of phonology, morphology and syntax.
  12. Alshawi (1987) implemented a system that resolved anaphors (and other types of ambiguity) along similar lines, considering a wide range of different "context factors", work which seems to subsume that of Carbonell and Brown (1988).
  13. It is really one of the foundations of any executive power group that it maintains secrecy about its activities and avoids the possibility for its antagonists to subsume that power.

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