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Перевод: tantrum speek tantrum

вспышка раздражения; вспышка гнева


  1. You might ignore the tantrum, turn your back on it, or you might use "time-out" (see figure 3 on page 72).
  2. He "lets go" in a frightening tantrum - banging his head, kicking, screaming and yelling - when he cannot get his own way, such as when you try to insist on his doing something, refuse his commands or attend to people other than himself at a time when he wants your undivided attention.
  3. A stupid child in a tantrum.
  4. "It isn't a tantrum, Mother.
  5. If this scenario occurred often enough, you would have taught her that, if whining does not work, a noisy tantrum will do the trick.
  6. Promise yourself before you begin that you will ignore the unwanted behaviour (say, a tantrum) every time it occurs, and continue to ignore it until it stops.
  7. This is a tantrum isn't it.
  8. If you do decide to use time-out, explain once why you are going to use it; give one warning only of the imminence of time-out, each time she begins a tantrum.
  9. She cannot help you pack your box at the supermarket and have a tantrum at the same time.
  10. If, however, your answer is specific (e.g. "She has a temper tantrum when I insist that she obeys me, for example when I tell her to eat up her breakfast") then an effective procedure can be worked out.
  11. Once he is in the grip of a real temper tantrum, it is useless to try punishing him, since he is beyond all reason, unable to understand what he is doing or what you are saying.
  12. Two- and three-year-olds seem to know just when throwing a tantrum will leave you embarrassed and uncertain and undermine your authority.
  13. They follow two lines: either my child commands me to do something, and if I don't, she insists, and eventually has a tantrum;

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