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Перевод: tenancy speek tenancy

владение на правах аренды; наем помещения; арендованная земля; арендованный дом; срок аренды


  1. "Your appeal against the above offer of permanent accommodation made available to you on 12-9-91 has been considered carefully but I regret to inform you that the appeal has not been allowed and you should sign for the tenancy at the local housing office by 2-12-91.
  2. If the County Court issues a certificate authorizing the alterations, the tenant may claim compensation for the improvements made when the tenancy ends, although the landlord had not actually consented to the alterations.
  3. However, we should point out that decided cases relative to the question all turn on the individual facts, and it could certainly be argued that the tenancy was not a partnership asset"
  4. A special form of leasehold is the tenancy from year to year, which continues until notice to put an end to it is given by either party.
  5. The question which has arisen is whether in these circumstances the beneficial joint tenancy was severed before Mrs. Dennis' death.
  6. If the landlord succeeds in opposing the granting of a new tenancy, compensation may in certain circumstances be payable to the tenant.
  7. One farmer claimed he would do nothing to the buildings until his son had been confirmed in the tenancy.
  8. In the current case, J Hedley Walton deceased v Inland Revenue , a challenge is being mounted to the value put on such a tenancy.
  9. Section 23(1) provides that part II of the 1954 Act applies "to any tenancy where the property comprised in the tenancy is or includes premises which are occupied by the tenant for the purposes of a business carried on by him or for those and other purposes".
  10. Moreover, even at common law a lease which ought to be made by deed but is not will not completely fail of effect, if possession is taken and rent paid under it; the tenant will be treated as tenant from year to year upon the terms of the lease so far as they are applicable to such a tenancy.
  11. How much notice is required on either side to terminate the tenancy agreement?
  12. In a memorable analogy the black African nationalist (and socialist) leader Leopold Senghor had said that the French Union must not be built like a cage that no one would care to enter; but in the Ho-Sainteny agreement the Vietminh were in effect being asked to take up the tenancy of a building that had not yet been constructed.
  13. A haulier wishing to divest himself of an unwanted business tenancy should appreciate, therefore, that this course of action may prove quite difficult.

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