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Перевод: ultimatum speek ultimatum

ультиматум ; заключительное слово


  1. The precise interpretation of an ultimatum depends upon the circumstances prevailing at the time.
  2. President Grover Cleveland sought to make political capital by "twisting the lion's tail" and gave an ultimatum to the British Government: an American commission appointed by Cleveland would investigate the dispute and decide the matter.
  3. It will take courage to do this, but delivering an ultimatum may bring him to his senses.
  4. And it is now equally clear that Mrs Thatcher's response to this ultimatum was similarly direct.
  5. It brought a virtual ultimatum from US President Woodrow Wilson, so strong that Germany temporarily gave up unrestricted submarine warfare.
  6. It took the players' bargaining committee less than three hours to reject what they considered an ultimatum.
  7. Meanwhile President Gustav Husak's ultimatum to go expires on Sunday.
  8. Unless Serbia obeys the ultimatum its phone lines will be severed, borders shut and it will be shunned "for years to come".
  9. Monteith then dispatched a group of treaty Nez Perce to deliver the ultimatum, to which Joseph responded:
  10. There were only two days left until the expiry of the English ultimatum - be relieved or surrender.
  11. "He replied with an ultimatum.
  12. And I'm giving you this ultimatum: tomorrow night I come into this bed and if you try to stop me, you'll end up next door for the remainder of your days."
  13. "So - should we beard Sir John at once, and serve him our ultimatum?

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