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Перевод: ultraviolet speek ultraviolet



  1. Warmth and lighting with a minimum ultraviolet content are essential to the well-being of Chelonians in captivity.
  2. It turned out that IUE detected ultraviolet light from the edge of the ring that is tilted towards us 80 days after Supernova 1987A erupted.
  3. Corals, which must remain close to the surface of the water because they contain symbiotic algae which photosynthesize, also tend to contain specific pigments to protect them from ultraviolet light.
  4. Thinning ozone particularly threatens wildlife, with the ultraviolet light interfering with breeding cycles
  5. This Astronesthes (above) has been photographed under ultraviolet light.
  6. Two interactions that have now become of critical importance are the effect of the ozone layer on the passage of ultraviolet radiation; and the effect of carbon dioxide and various other gases on infra-red radiation.
  7. The Consumers' Association, which produced a report on the lamps two years ago, found that seven out of eight desk lamps exceeded international safety limits for ultraviolet radiation.
  8. And as it is buffeted by ultraviolet radiation, so it absorbs it; and thus prevents the most harmful, high energy, high-frequency radiation known as UVB, from reaching the Earth.
  9. These man-made gases are present in the atmosphere only in tiny amounts, but because they accelerate the breakdown of ozone, they increase the hazard of excess ultraviolet radiation.
  10. Ultraviolet light is a mixed blessing as far as living things are concerned.
  11. Ultraviolet can cause skin cancers and cataracts (and probably other ailments) in humans and it is damaging to plants and marine life.
  12. Under most conditions, the molecules of oxygen gas contain just two atoms: its formula is 2 Under various influences, however, including electric sparks and exposure to ultraviolet radiation, some of its atoms group in threes, to form molecules with the formula 03.
  13. Once there, they are broken up by ultraviolet radiation, releasing chlorine atoms which destroy ozone, CFCs are also an important greenhouse gas (see above).

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