u ub ud uf ug uh ui uk ul um un up ur us ut uu uv ux uz

Перевод: umpteenth speek umpteenth



  1. Colin Stephens's sprint for his try again showed a Wales stand-off in the making - although his coach, Gareth Jenkins, for the umpteenth time, counselled caution: "We are all expecting too much of Colin.
  2. Putting their dinner on the table, Trent reached for the photograph and studied it for the umpteenth time since finding it on Don Roberto's piano - his mother, and the Colonel as a young man.
  3. "So what can I tell you?" said Shorty to the umpteenth magazine interviewer who came to call, looking for the definitive analysis in the search for Jack Nicholson, once he had become a star.
  4. The blonde hostess leaned across him to re-charge his glass for the umpteenth time.
  5. You may find your temper on a short fuse when confronting your child or teenager for the umpteenth time.
  6. "Aye, we know, Father," Stanley said, as if hearing the story for the umpteenth time.
  7. And dangerous for the goat: a myotonic goat picking himself up from his umpteenth collapse of the day might wonder why natural selection had not taken its course long ago and dispensed with his unhappy breed.
  8. After downloading the umpteenth version of one program, loading and reloading assembling and EEPROMming software, I chanced to query the need for using the EEPROM programmer.
  9. "Three nines" is not uncommon: purity warranted to within 0.999 of absolute purity, with some certainty that the umpteenth consignment will be as pure as the first.
  10. Yet Iraq has been acquiring German weapons for years and Germany is now pledging, for the umpteenth time, finally to block the holes in its arms-export controls.
  11. Richard Beckett's here again with his umpteenth contribution to the tips section.
  12. When Mother got caught again, for the umpteenth time, rather than risk Father's mounting wrath, she gave the line a couple of vicious tugs, hoping he would not notice; and almost died of fright when an outraged salmon leapt from the water and made off upstream like a rocket.
  13. As she pushed the emptied skip back towards the scutching room for the umpteenth time, her legs simply stopped working and she sagged against the basket, fighting down a wave of dizziness and nausea.

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