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Перевод: unacceptable speek unacceptable

неприемлемый; нежелательный


  1. If it is directed against an opponent it ceases to be self-suffering and becomes instead a form of coercion, which is an aspect of violence, and as such unacceptable.
  2. 1.16 Much has been written on "English across the curriculum", a phrase which, for some, conjures up an unacceptable vision of English reduced to a service subject, and for others an equally unacceptable vision of subject specialists burdened with responsibilities that should rightly be carried by teachers of English.
  3. It is significant that, in 1969, gains on Government stocks were exempted from TCG if held for over a year because the government's managers of the market in those stocks found the tax to be an unacceptable clog on that market.
  4. We will phase out battery cages and unacceptable systems of factory farming, tighten controls on the export of live animals for slaughter, and establish a dog registration scheme.
  5. Anglo-Welsh plc have now made a further offer for your Company which the Board continues to find unacceptable.
  6. Installing new unproven software posed unacceptable risks to Pearl's tight implementation timetable.
  7. Concepts of individual, private and exclusive ownership are unacceptable.
  8. We will seek to reverse the unacceptable decline in Britain's merchant navy and encourage the greater use of British-owned and crewed vessels, adding to Britain's security and reducing the cost to our balance of payments.
  9. Those troubles - referred to as the "Irish Rebellion" - were overcome only by violent methods used by the "Black and Tans", plus some restless ex-soldiers, known as the "Auxiliaries", and when the facts of those violent methods became known to the British public, they were declared unacceptable - despite the outrages which Sinn Fein had instituted in London and the bombings in Belfast.
  10. These pictures are an extreme form of Orientalism, and permitted an expression of voluptuousness and cruelty otherwise unacceptable to Victorian sensibilities.
  11. If it is allowed to get too hot it also produces dioxin, an unacceptable contaminant in the TCP used for manufacture of hexachlorophene.
  12. Unfortunately even today, when people are more aware of the dangers of too much alcohol, it is often socially unacceptable to seem to refuse the convivial offer of a drink.
  13. Additionally, they feared the full development of a national health service, viewed by them as unacceptable socialism.

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