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Перевод: unachieved

недостигнутый; незавершенный


  1. This puts any deep analysis out of the question and Rassendyll can remain the conventional, generalised preux chevalier which the story demands, dying with his honour intact but with his love unachieved.
  2. The drive to her house just outside Perugia was littered with miraculously unachieved collisions.
  3. How much of the great-sinner project remained unachieved and how much dissolved itself into the books that in fact got written, can be debated endlessly.
  4. For the most part, though, these aspirations regarding a new industrialization of the countryside remain unachieved.
  5. Returning to the universities for the new academic year in September 1988, this objective appeared to remain unachieved.
  6. Whereas his beard was so clearly a compensation, a making up for unachieved virility, Gyggle's beard was positively rampant, priapic.
  7. Economic recovery remained unachieved.
  8. Why is it all so thin and unachieved?
  9. His mind busied itself automatically with dating and placing this unachieved dialogue with an unidentified woman.

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