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Перевод: unaltered

неизмененный; неизменный


  1. The metrics in both regions are unaltered, since a null electromagnetic field is defined by the metric only up to a constant duality rotation.
  2. This unaltered, restored pub now attracts a large custom, demonstrating that expensive refurbishments are not necessary to guarantee profits.
  3. Happily, four which survive almost unaltered and have been extensively restored, can be enjoyed while exploring London's suburbs.
  4. First, many are designed by notable Scottish architects; second, many contain remarkably complete and unaltered interiors; and third, thanks to prominent towers and spires, most play a major role in the townscape.
  5. The result is that the evidence for ageism remains unaltered, and the assumptions upon which ageism is based are preserved and perpetuated.
  6. A. human bone from Turkey buried in alkaline soil with scrub oak vegetation, showing extensive root marks that have coalesced to give an appearance of surface corrosion; B. sheep bone from stream (pH 5.4) in Wales showing the result of long term immersion in water, with breakdown of the surface structure of the bone and formation of large scale pitting; C. bovid bone from Tanzania which was buried in the floor of a hyaena den and subjected to trampling and decay from urine and organic acids, destructuring the surface leaving large scale pits and occasional islands of unaltered surface bone; D. horse bone from Sphagnum bog in Dartmoor (pH 3.5) showing acid etching of the bone producing pitting following and enlarging original structures in the bone.
  7. A good conversion to office use , right, the exterior , left, remains unaltered
  8. Here the business continued, almost unaltered for sixty years.
  9. His teachings were regarded as being of such importance that they are used unaltered to this day at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna.
  10. In most glassy lavas, bands of devitrified glass and layers of frothy, bubbly glass are interleaved with layers of unaltered material.
  11. The latter set about restoring its decrepit but largely unaltered state, uncovering the great stone fireplace in the hall.
  12. This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in unaltered form by Age Concern groups with due acknowledgement to Age Concern England.
  13. Much of the structure still survives, largely (visually) unaltered over the last century.

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