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Перевод: unanimous speek unanimous

единодушный; единогласный


  1. For the first time, one of John's creations received overwhelming and unanimous praise, but he was no longer there to enjoy its success.
  2. The almost unanimous passage of the decree, by 364 votes to 6, came at the end of a day of turmoil at the Supreme Soviet sitting in the Kremlin.
  3. A jury took almost four hours to reach their unanimous verdict at Liverpool Crown Court where Warren Green, 27, had denied killing his wife Julie, 24.
  4. The result in the vote against the development and for the retention of the airfield was unanimous.
  5. The jury retired at 5.50, and returned with a unanimous verdict at 6.35 - "guilty!"
  6. The authors in this book are unanimous: a date at which we all become "aged" is nonsense.
  7. Not surprisingly, I found people extremely concerned about their school, and almost - but not quite - unanimous in their assertion that school closure would damage the life of the community.
  8. About his mastery of the mysteries of driving strategy and deriving the best out of the materials at hand, there is unanimous consent.
  9. Add to this the ensemble as a whole (unanimous though it may be) should delineate rhythms accurately, and execute pulse and tempo with uniformity.
  10. Readers of right-wing papers were well aware of their papers' pro-Conservative and anti-Labour bias though less unanimous about their papers' anti-Alliance bias.
  11. Yet it was quite impossible, constitutionally, for any amendment to be made which would allow the resolution to get almost unanimous support.
  12. They declared, "We are unanimous in celebrating the colourful mosaic of the human race that God has created.
  13. It was a foregone conclusion that the jury, carefully selected beforehand, would return their immediate and unanimous verdict of "Guilty".

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