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Перевод: unappreciated

непонятый; непонятный; недооцененный


  1. There were constantly laments about ministerial income and the "poverty, indifference and unappreciated labour" of many men.
  2. It was a curious conceit of imperial memoirists of the time to claim that their labours were unknown to and unappreciated by the British public.
  3. In cathedrals, as so much else, Cottle has a highly developed taste for the unusual and the unappreciated.
  4. They simply feel misunderstood and unappreciated.
  5. The fact that there was a clear male-female hierarchy at work within the sacrificial procedure was not unknown to or unappreciated by the ancients.
  6. The notion that it is extremely relevant precisely because it does none of these things seems to go unappreciated in official circles.
  7. Despite describing a happy childhood, she told her therapist about how she had been brought up in a family where she felt unappreciated and undervalued.
  8. It was true that they had mostly been forgotten, left unappreciated.
  9. His marvellous carvings were unappreciated, some of them lost, broken or half finished: his painting output had dwindled.
  10. Feeling unappreciated.
  11. "But I really am unappreciated!"
  12. In a brilliant and witty, though unappreciated, speech, Desmond Boal QC did his best to clarify the events of 6 June.
  13. This says that there is no such thing as evil: "evil is nothing", is the absence of good, is possibly even an unappreciated good - Omnem bonam prorsus esse fortunam , wrote Boethius, "all fortune is certainly good".

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