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Перевод: unattainable

недостижимый; недосягаемый


  1. If you set unattainable goals, you'll only become extremely frustrated with your running and racing.
  2. We are at a disadvantage in Britain in that we do not have a revolutionary doctrine to preach: a vivid message that promises an unattainable millennium .
  3. He promoted her to an unattainable pedestal, a figure swathed in deep purple, a princess.
  4. Many schools produce aims which are essentially vague aspirations and objectives which are unattainable as they are not translatable into actions nor can their achievement be measured.
  5. I could not imagine what they were, apart from an unattainable marvel, part of a world gone for ever.
  6. Dully punching Lucy's old number, slamming the phone down on unattainable .
  7. The unsatisfactoriness of the competing claims of various philosophers first led him to the belief that scientific knowledge of nature was unattainable by the human mind.
  8. Within Spanish art itself, on the other hand, the line is almost too simple: Goya was intensely aware of Velzquez, Picasso of both, but for Gironella the problem is not just that Picasso could be seen to have inserted himself into the next place in the sequence but that as a Mexican an unequivocal position in any such art-historical lineage is utterly unattainable.
  9. The power of pop is situated in so many other places than the good song, or good intention - in the strange, the intolerable, the unattainable, the curiously sexual.
  10. Like most works that over-reach themselves by striving for unattainable seriousness they are probably simply bad.
  11. It may be possible to gain access to past records so that a realistic assessment can be made of achievable levels; alternatively, in the absence of any historical data, utopian levels (eg 100%) could be set initially, then modified if the auditing process highlights that they are unattainable.
  12. Adjusting to middle-age is its other main concern, with Marrakech (perceived by Walter entirely through the lush vagueness of travel-brochure prose) standing for the life of exotic, unfettered opportunity that becomes increasingly unattainable.
  13. Moreover they nearly always end in tragedy because the protagonists reach out in some way fur the unattainable.

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