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Перевод: unbelieving speek unbelieving



  1. Barney Summerville slid nervously from the driving seat of the Armstrong and stared with unbelieving eyes at the girl with the cool smile who stood before him.
  2. Everything he writes is Jewish in the sense that everything he writes is conscious of the Jewish faith, if that can be said without relinquishing the thought that there are such persons as unbelieving Jews.
  3. Secondly, the old churches may not be unbelieving but so cautious as to move too slowly to win new people for Christ.
  4. These people are not, like Damaris, dry-as-dust, unbelieving intellectuals.
  5. However, when the prophet Isaiah had a similar revelation of the presence of the holy God of Israel, the revelation of the character of God was accompanied by instructions to preach to the unbelieving people.
  6. Unbelieving still, Jane counted the white bars.
  7. Before long he would react even more extremely, exclaiming bitterly, "There really are no more unbelieving and hard-hearted people than clergymen, and" - taking a vicious sideswipe at his mother - "especially clergyman's wives."
  8. He looked unbelieving and said, "But surely you remember when we were going down the eighth, you were coming up the ninth, and I waved and your wife waved back, and then you waved."
  9. A skyhook, then an unbelieving lunge and there I was, like a shipwrecked sailor washed up on the shore of an uninhabitable island, safe for the moment but by no means home.
  10. Friends were unbelieving.
  11. Leadership in some is weak, unbelieving and in some cases apostate.
  12. Remote and isolated, the quarries were remarked on by many an unbelieving traveller in this region which Defoe called "the wildest, most barren and frightful of any that I have passed over in England
  13. Don't look so unbelieving.

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