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Перевод: unbroken speek unbroken

неразбитый; целый; непокоренный; непрерывный; необъезженный; сдержанный


  1. On unbroken vole teeth, the digestion produced by mammalian predators is similar to that produced by categories 3 to 5 predators described above, but when the teeth are broken initially there is an appearance of greater distortion (Fig. 3.21 B).
  2. Such survivals in the unbroken tradition of the cottage garden are now rare examples of such excellence and are very scarce indeed.
  3. The stress is not only on the idea of progression (from lower to higher) but also on unbroken continuity.
  4. "Walking is the progression of steps so taken that unbroken contact with the ground is maintained at each step.
  5. In bad weather conditions, it has a lifeline to safety, a long and unbroken wall crossing the summit and continuing as a reliable guide to the environs of Ingleton.
  6. From the library doors, one has an unbroken view right across the entrance hall to the main doors of the house.
  7. The silence in the room stretched out, unbroken except by the heavy, deliberate ticking of the long-case clock in the corner.
  8. He described how they heard a plane, and then came the searing flash and tempestuous roar, and then the utter unbroken silence of the grave.
  9. Profits at the group continue their unbroken rise, adding 6% in the first half to 195m, as improved figures were rung up by all divisions and the dividend was upped a penny to 13.75p.
  10. Even if the man drifted close to sleep, which the stillness encouraged, the union remained unbroken.
  11. Above me, a precipice of unbroken rock.
  12. Her ability, however, to sustain Strauss's long cantilenas in an unbroken span is a rare accomplishment.
  13. So when the first stallion, a beautiful bay unbroken three-year-old, was lead into the ring, and Lindsay saw and sensed in the horse many of those virtues that a horse-lover hopes for, he found himself bidding against two knackers, until he had bought the horse for the price of dogs-meat - 185!

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