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Перевод: uncanny speek uncanny

жуткий; сверхъестественный


  1. This year, it's almost uncanny how the conditions are a mirror-match for last year.
  2. PIGEONS, bees, bacteria and dolphins have an uncanny sense of direction, finding their way over relatively huge distances.
  3. If I chose not to reap the benefits of this scheme then I might consider the fate of a few ungrateful citizens who had thought likewise and then seen their homes repossessed, had been inflicted with uncanny storms that ripped tiles from roof and threw chimney stacks into the street, had undergone torment at the hands of timeshare salespeople, had been billed for new and exorbitant taxes and had been struck off their doctors' registers.
  4. Not having to give verbal commands seemed uncanny at first, but before long it just seemed natural.
  5. It is uncanny how many bites I get only seconds after casting or immediately following the bait being twitched along the bottom.
  6. That the winning of a British Open championship is a two-man team even can best be illustrated by two of the great tournament's champions of the past - two immortals who owe a little of their immortality to the men who strode beside them when they made history: when Henry Cotton won his first Open in 1934, he paid tribute to Ernest Butler of Sandwich, a caddie who was "uncanny with his advice concerning the line of the hole".
  7. The overall effect was weird and uncanny.
  8. Those who remember him say he had an uncanny knack of being instantly able to visualise a course even over rough ground or farmland.
  9. It was while she was wiping her face that she began to get an uncanny feeling that she was being watched.
  10. Uncanny.
  11. In the uncanny silence the Sergeant looked again at Frau Nordern, and at the brief-case.
  12. He was smiling as if he recognized her, and she had a queer, uncanny feeling that she knew him very well
  13. There was something uncanny, almost obscene, to Robyn's eye, about the sudden, violent, yet controlled movements of the machine, darting forward and retreating, like some steely reptile devouring its prey or copulating with a passive mate.

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