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Перевод: uncaused speek uncaused

беспричинный; извечный


  1. If actions are uncaused then it is not clear how they are to be explained, while, if they are caused, they are not autonomous.
  2. Uncaused motion was nonsense for Aristotle and axiomatic for Newton.
  3. For, instead of being tantamount to the mysterious suggestion that actions are uncaused, the claim that they are autonomous can be interpreted as a summing up of the individualist view that they must be explained, at least in part, by appealing to the intentional properties of individuals.
  4. This by no means commits them to the view that actions and attitudes are uncaused, merely to the more limited view that they are not caused by the properties of social wholes.
  5. Therefore there must be a First Cause which itself is uncaused; and this can only be God.
  6. Another common argument is to point out that everything in the world must have a cause, but that at the end of the line there must be an uncaused or "first" cause.
  7. If autonomous actions are said to be uncaused (and hence undetermined) they are left completely mysterious, and the prospects for individualism as a set of explanatory theories look very weak indeed.

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