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Перевод: uncleared

нерасчищенный; неубранный; неоправданный


  1. If you withdraw against "uncleared" cheques, you will have to pay interest - even though the balance on your statement may stay in credit.
  2. The hearth was drifted up with cinders that had been left uncleared when today's fire was lit.
  3. However, we may be able to let you draw money from your account against such an "uncleared" cheque.
  4. During this time, the cheque is "uncleared" and money cannot be drawn against it, unless your bank agrees to let you do so.
  5. Uncleared Cheques
  6. She is aware of "something lovely somewhere, something that is gone, or hidden, or yet to be attained", but why this urge to scream her head off at the sight of an uncleared breakfast table?
  7. The Commons public accounts committee, in its twenty-seventh report published last week, says a backlog of 400,000 uncleared claims for DLA and attendance allowance had built up by June last year.
  8. A telephone call to establish whether I had been made redundant or, if not, to inform me of the administrative delay, would have been far more appropriate, and possibly cheaper, than a typed letter announcing the uncleared cheque and the administrative charge.
  9. The task Force decided to try to herd the elephants through the settlement to in as yet uncleared patch of forest 50 km to the south.
  10. A supplementary section incorporating prompted problems in addition showed that 46 per cent were bothered by cracked or uneven pavements, 42 per cent by dog dirt, 37 per cent by too much traffic, 32 per cent by uncleared snow or leaves, 24 per cent by vehicles parked on the pavement, and 23 per cent by a lack of pedestrian crossings.
  11. If this is not possible on your computer, what is the minimum number of uncleared locations?

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