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Перевод: unconcern speek unconcern

беззаботность ; безразличие; равнодушие


  1. De Valera was only interested in using the crisis to loosen the links of the Irish Free State with the Crown, and Savage of New Zealand, somewhat surprisingly, veered between unconcern and bewilderment.
  2. She flaunted her facial disasters - a broken nose, thick pebble glasses and wireworks on her teeth - with disarming unconcern.
  3. A major reason for this unconcern is that various fraudsters who have operated in the field have given ESP a bad name: underfunded scientists have far better things to investigate than a phenomenon which seems, on the basis of the available evidence, to be nothing more than a farrago.
  4. This sense of age perhaps motivates the general unconcern for Frodo shown by the Shire, his unfair though unintended supplanting by the large and "lordly" hobbits Merry and pippin, the rudeness or much-qualified respect shown to him by Sharkey's men and Gaffer Gamgee too.
  5. "The ingredients are Labour and Liberal unconcern about increasing levels of economic migrants and asylum seekers entering Britain, coupled with the introduction of a political system which would unleash extremists who fed upon public concern about this issue," said Mr Baker.
  6. In his celebrated letter to Chesterfield, Samuel Johnson asks: "Is not a Patron, My Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a Man struggling for Life in the water and when he has reached ground encumbers him with help."
  7. He is famed for his "laid-back" attitude, his apparent unconcern about his actions both at the crease and at press conferences, and such an easy-going approach led many people to believe that he had little real commitment.
  8. Thus, the policy context, within which the redundancies took place and which older workers experienced in the labour market, often for the first time in twenty or more years, was one of unconcern if not of antagonism to their special needs.
  9. Alongside, Dominic was utterly silent, and she could feel his body growing cooler as he slouched against the bed-head with casual unconcern for his nakedness.
  10. Full of confidence, Pliny tried to calm down the overwrought Pomponianus, and to demonstrate his own unconcern, went off to freshen up in the local baths, and subsequently sat down to eat a hearty meal.
  11. One floor down in the poly union's Mandela building, it was all studied unconcern.
  12. This doubt is one of unconcern: It is insensitive, not over-sensitive.
  13. But as usual I affected a supreme unconcern, and floated past them with a sway of the hips that was a touch exaggerated.

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