u ub ud uf ug uh ui uk ul um un up ur us ut uu uv ux uz

Перевод: unconditioned speek unconditioned

необусловленный; неоговоренный; неограниченный; безусловный; абсолютный


  1. The summation of these two response tendencies (conditioned and unconditioned) in control subjects, for whom the CS is novel, might be enough to ensure a bigger net response than that seen in pre-exposed subjects, for whom the unconditioned component will be absent.
  2. They show the anatomical basis of an unconditioned reflex, the gill withdrawal reflex, and suggest the mechanism of a fixed action pattern.
  3. An unconditioned reflex is one which appears without previous experience; for example, if food is placed in a dog's mouth, it salivates.
  4. The obvious inadequacy of this explanation is that it begs the question of why exposure to a stimulus should allow the acquisition of a new response - we usually suppose only that existing unconditioned responses (URs) will habituate.
  5. The most obvious possibility is that the waning of the overt unconditioned response (UR) produced by pre-exposure to the to-be-CS might be directly responsible, in whole or in part, for some instances of latent inhibition.
  6. For a pre-exposed stimulus there will be no such effect since the tendency to evoke unconditioned suppression will have habituated.
  7. Animals learn to do many things that they never do as an unconditioned response to any stimulus.
  8. The first of these, the habituation of the unconditioned response consequent on repeated exposure, was discussed in Chapter 2; the second, the way in which exposure modifies the ability of an event to serve as a classically conditioned stimulus, was discussed in Chapters 3 and 4.
  9. It is necessary to assume, for instance, that the complete absence of an event can function as a US; that some mechanism exists whereby whatever association is formed during conditioning brings about a reduction in the magnitude of the unconditioned response (i.e. the attentional response) initially evoked by the stimulus that is trained as the CS.
  10. For example, a dog can be taught to jump through a hoop, but there is no stimulus to which jumping through a hoop is the unconditioned response.
  11. Subsequent training with A followed by an unconditioned stimulus (US) might allow the formation of an association between the associatively activated representation of X and the US.
  12. In one set of studies stimulus A was the onset of a light and the target response acquired to it in the intermediate phase of training was a conditioned eye-blink reinforced by an air-puff unconditioned stimulus.

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