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Перевод: uncounted speek uncounted

несчетный; бесчисленный


  1. They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
  2. This group of "uncounted unemployed" is likely to consist largely of women and school-leavers who have not worked before and so are not eligible for unemployment benefit.
  3. Our housework goes on behind the scenes, unnoticed, uncounted, uncharted as long as it is unpaid.
  4. If the absolute size of certain selected issues can be established by counting their dies, it is possible to extrapolate similar values for other issues by comparing the representation of counted and uncounted issues in hoards.
  5. Nearly two-thirds the work force opted to work outside the law, producing a hidden uncounted 29 per cent of the country's GNP.
  6. Being uncounted, the value of unpaid work in society cannot be estimated.
  7. There have been eleven black directed films released in the US in 1991 so far, with another eight ready to go and an uncounted number in production.
  8. Untold are the reaches of his barbarities, uncounted the number of his treacheries, beyond belief the depravity of his practices.
  9. There were also reports that some had jumped on the trains as they passed through East Germany, or that the numbers could have included previously uncounted children.
  10. Baldwin had the support of the Chief Whip (Leslie Wilson); the Chairman of the Party (Younger); the Chief Agent; Salisbury and Derby, the Party's two principal territorial magnates, although the latter as always was a little hesitant; the majority of Conservative junior ministers; a substantial but uncounted number of backbenchers; and the editor of The Times.
  11. Estimates of the uncounted unemployed are provided up to 1981 by the annual General Household Survey .
  12. Given the existence of the uncounted unemployed and the under-utilised labour force, we might reasonably conclude that the official statistics seriously underestimate actual unemployment.

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