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Перевод: uncouth speek uncouth

неуклюжий; грубоватый; неотесанный; заброшенный; дикий


  1. An innovation has been to introduce four kings, representing the four corners of the earth, who come to woo Epine and win the kingdom she has seized, are entranced by Rose but rejected by her because the North is uncouth, the East too vain, the West too cynical and the South too violent.
  2. Without a generally accepted code of manners life would become thoroughly uncouth and unpleasant, so parents need to pass this on to their children.
  3. Henry stuck his lower lip out and in an uncouth voice, said: "How about a bit of sex?"
  4. Materialism is a "false principle" which "stays and embarrasses the mind in its search after truth"; it raises specious problems, it draws us "into uncouth paradoxes, difficulties, and inconsistencies, which multiply and grow upon us as we advance in speculation".
  5. This novel seems, but only seems, but does seem insistently, to come from a man who knew nothing but was very opinionated, who checked no facts and guzzled rumour scraps, whose mind was uncouth, raggity, raucous, florid.
  6. She found him uncouth and dirty and he often smelt of abattoirs and of the chicken carcases or sides of beef he had been painting.
  7. Lefevre finished his bowl of soup in uncouth but effective manner, gripping it in both hands and pouring the remaining contents down his throat at a gulp.
  8. Their gross ignorance is the very smallest of their sins anything so uncouth I never saw before" wrote the British Consul at La Spezia, Italy, under the nom de plume Cornelius O'Dowd.
  9. In a deliberately uncouth way, she drank back the rest of her wine.
  10. The men who tried to civilize these shaggy and uncouth marginalians by bringing them news of civilization have left a certain number of translations that are better reading today than are the works of the ignorant islanders who were too Proud to translate.
  11. Cubitt's greatest savagery was reserved for the "Meeting-House Gallery"" which he described as "about the crudest attempt ever made at providing seats for a certain number of people over the heads of the rest", a "failure practically, and a horror artistically", "uncouth" and a "gigantic misfit".
  12. If she knew it, green and uncouth as she was, Pertwee would know it also.
  13. This modern Jorrocks, who wore earrings, was an uncouth, awkward man, with an ungainly walk, rowing himself along with his arms.

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