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Перевод: uncrossed

беспрепятственный; неперечеркнутый


  1. Michael sniffed and uncrossed his legs.
  2. In example 1 above, the t of steep has been left uncrossed, making the word look like sleep instead, and in example 2 the word dog looks like clog.
  3. Handbags were snapped shut, legs were crossed and uncrossed, ladies leaned forward confidentially to their neighbours, ostensibly to confer, though a number got fits of giggles and had to hide their faces behind their hands.
  4. He uncrossed a pair of knives.
  5. P.P., but not L.A.H., was able to use an uncrossed pathway on the intact side; this may possibly reflect differences in cortical binocularity between the two infants.
  6. My multiple personality required multiple scripts, and from my study of graphology I tried to create individual scripts that conformed to the analyses of heavy down-strokes, "pasty" loops and uncrossed "ts": I was especially interested in "pasty" strokes, which are supposed to indicate a rich sexuality, and disconnected letters, indicative of "inspiration".
  7. This pattern of results suggests that no uncrossed pathway from the left eye to the damaged left side of the brain is functional to elicit fixation shifts.
  8. Evelyn uncrossed her legs, got up slowly, began to walk to the living room door.
  9. The controlling terminal, a specially customised personal computer, has a Windows-style graphical colour interface and word processing system that can be used to design cheque and credit slip pages - particularly useful for UK customers dealing with different types of crossed and uncrossed cheques.
  10. The nasal-directed response in young infants has been widely interpreted as reflecting a functional crossed pathway, direct to the NOT, with the temporal-directed response depending on later maturation of an uncrossed pathway through binocular cortical neurons.
  11. "The slope was very sleep" (uncrossed t)
  12. Lean forward with hands open, arms uncrossed and legs uncrossed

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