Перевод: undeclared
[прилагательное] необъявленный; непровозглашенный; непредъявленный на таможне
- Two rather hysterical women had been talking in a suburban living-room, the one brunette and hawk-nosed, desperate for approval of a new pair of shoes, the other auburn and bright-eyed, and equally desperate about an undeclared affair her absent husband was having.
- A hidden agenda is where someone's behaviour is determined by a motive which is undeclared and being deliberately concealed.
- The meetings are only the most visible signs of a thaw in the relationship - previously something close to undeclared war - between the Yard and the Labour authorities since Sir Peter's accession in 1987.
- They achieve declared or undeclared goals: involvement, legitimization, recognition, prestige, all of which increase their influence among the others in the client system and those in external systems, thus increasing the chances of further and better outputs in the future.
- Noboru Takeshita had to go because he received undeclared sums of money from the Recruit publishing-to-property conglomerate.
- The War Against Women by Marilyn French Hamish Hamilton, 9.99 Backlash: The Undeclared War Against Women by Susan Faludi Chatto Windus, 9.99 Arcadia by Jim Crace Jonathan Cape, 14.99 "THE sisterhood at the top of British publishing should be collectively ashamed of itself," pronounced Richard Gott in The Guardian, in protest at the simultaneous publication of two more "tendentious feminist tracts by famous American writers".
- But now, with unemployment touching 10 per cent and rising, undeclared work and workers have become a political scapegoat.
- First, he must regain support abroad, stop the economy from re-entering the tailspin in which he found it and reconquer the two-thirds of the country lost to an undeclared civil war, without driving new recruits into the arms of the guerrillas.
- It includes The Undeclared War on Saturday and Life and Nothing But on Easter Monday, but the best is These Foolish Things (BBC2, Good Friday: 10.00-;11.45 pm).
- Once a nation or race is embarked on a course of action, particularly violent action, such as the waging of war or its undeclared equivalent, that action having its source far back in national religious history, it becomes extremely difficult for any retraction to take place.
- Party leaders face a dilemma over whether to continue their search, already discussed in private meetings in Washington, for an as yet undeclared candidate in time for their convention in July.
- Property should come under the Trades Description Act and contracts should allow buyers to back out if they discover undeclared defects.
- His descent into drunkenness and sexual dissipation filled him with self-disgust, and his still undeclared love for Mary Evans was gaining a disturbing power.
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