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Перевод: underdone speek underdone

недожаренный; недоделанный


  1. "I think mine is a little bit underdone.
  2. In terms of sustainability, we we have done underdone undertaken the same exercise which Barton Willmore have done, and looked at all the various sources, I mean from there you should be including those published by the rural development corporation, commission I should say.
  3. Mauleverer had then proceeded to snatch the cover off the dish on Amiss's tray, sniff disparagingly and explain to him that the ham was underdone and the eggs too hard.
  4. underdone.
  5. Then he realised that they were presumably so poor that even a choice of cornflakes or lumpy porridge, along with underdone toast and margarine, had the overwhelming attraction of being free.
  6. - a brick-oven image: a bit underdone or, "not quite twenty carats".
  7. A Glasgow kiss is as underdone as a red meat steak?

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