Перевод: underscore
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- All individual rites underscore her imminent status as a wife and as a mother.
- I should have caught some more waves so they couldn't underscore me.
- On most occasions he refers to them to underscore a particular fundamental truth and if evolution is true and creation is simply a myth then some great biblical truths are built on sinking sand and not on solid rock.
- In this sense the present conflict is going to underscore the greatest danger of any strategy that implies a substitution of firepower for manpower - the risk that the demobilisation day will arrive but the new weapons will not: weapons like the new multiple-launch rocket system that the British army was originally scheduled to start receiving in 1984.
- Her comments on interest rates had little impact on financial markets but they appeared to underscore the Government's commitment to holding up the pound.
- By focusing principally on spatial variation and concentration of deprivation it is easy to overlook the processes that underscore these recurrent areal patterns.
- The Games were to be used as what Mandell calls "The Nazi Olympics", a spectacle to underscore the supposed physical and intellectual superiority of the Aryan race.
- The title of Chapter 3, "The politics of variation", was intended to underscore the central point about sex difference research: that it is always undertaken for political reasons, and has traditionally been used to justify sex discrimination and exclusionary practices, making them seem natural and inevitable.
- For a long while, the crime question provided the principal means to underscore the cultural concerns of this new nationalist racism.
- That bankers" summit at the Bonn Chancellery on 8 August 1990 and a similar blue-ribbon meeting on 6 September underscore the important role West Germany's big banks are playing in what some observers call the biggest leveraged buy-out in economic history.
- If this is not the case, it is imperative that workers build safety factors into their work pattern from the beginning and there is usually work training to underscore this.
- Then there were those brown corduroys and blue jeans: the very seams of his old, faded pants enraptured me, seeming to underscore the seductive outlines of his lower frame, running from the back of his thick leather belt down along that mysterious, rich intercrural channel, and coming out at the other end of the tunnel at the tense crossroads orienting the scrotum's heavy bag with its blissful raphe, or subtly defining and underlining the inside and outside of the long, smooth thighs and the stocky, bulgy, athletic calves.
- And he talks about being black to underscore the threat of racism.