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Перевод: undertaker speek undertaker

предприниматель ; гробовщик ; владелец похоронного бюро


  1. To encourage surviving relatives to meet the fees of parson and sexton, as well as the minimal costs of the undertaker, open discrimination against paupers was practised.
  2. Look for an undertaker who is a member of the NAFD and ask for information.
  3. "No one, except for the parson and the undertaker's men.
  4. An undertaker's bill was paid and not questioned.
  5. Then he would think of the undertaker forcing that convoluted form into a cheap coffin and the lid being screwed on.
  6. The undertaker, a fat man with a bunch of keys hanging from the index finger of his right hand, stood whispering to his father and Michael.
  7. By the time a Scots undertaker's horseman and his widow were dead, "the little they had was all gone;" and this would have been typical enough.
  8. They'd all come straight to Ingham's after the Requiem Mass and they were waiting now for John Burns, the undertaker, to come and tell them when the grave was ready at the cemetery and the men would walk the coffin there.
  9. Horror and death were his trade and, like an undertaker, he carried with him the contagion of his craft.
  10. The early chapters are an indictment of the New Poor Law in their account of Oliver's upbringing as a workhouse orphan, apprenticed to an undertaker by Bumble the beadle.
  11. The undertaker, his wife said, had been called out.
  12. On the stroke of eleven, she bustles into the room, accompanied by the grey-haired and angular figure of the Lord Chancellor, lugubrious as an upmarket undertaker in black tailcoat.
  13. At a nod from his father, the undertaker beckoned towards a group of men who came forward with subdued eyes, eager to express their sympathy in the one manly way that was open to them.

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