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Перевод: underworld speek underworld

преисподняя ; подземный мир; подонки общества; дно; антиподы


  1. This place, of no apparent significance, is a vital key admitting to the vast underworld of Ease Gill Caverns.
  2. But it did summon up the delicious image of the straitlaced reporter gingerly dipping his toe, notebook in hand, into the showbiz underworld.
  3. Death, as in the classical era, was again becoming an underworld; it no longer heralded, except for the devout, a glorious resurrection.
  4. In the confused laws of the cockney underworld, they were good blokes in the community they terrorised.
  5. My final disc, "Golden Operetta" ( ), is more of a mixed bag, containing, as it does, items from sources as varied as Kismet, Orpheus in the Underworld, Candide, Bittersweet, The Merry Widow, The Count of Luxembourg and Countess Maritza .
  6. A prominent underworld figure popular in Belgrade and the head of the fan club for the Red Star football team, Arkan became the Serbian supremo in eastern Croatia during one of the most brutal campaigns of the Croatian war.
  7. Hence Hercules remained the Deity to propitiate in order to find treasures, whose god was Dis (identical with Pluto) who carries off Proserpine (another name for Ceres or grain) to the underworld described by the poets, according to whom its first name was Styx, its second the land of the dead, its third the depth of furrows
  8. Right from the start the production creates a seething sense of life, as the underworld characters swarm over Kendra Ullyart's ramshackle wooden set of tilted balconies and ladders.
  9. Amongst the various surface openings in this area, there is one, not far from Alum Pot, that can be recommended to walkers who would like to test their nerves in the darkness and silence of the underworld and, with a torch, may safely do so without encountering perils.
  10. "To find one's own way to hell, to visit the underworld, one needs a pure heart or divine protection.
  11. The whole world mourned him and the Aesir petitioned HEL, the goddess of the Underworld, to allow him to return.
  12. He seemed to want to try to remain in the underworld while still reaching out for life's little comforts and luxuries.
  13. For McCloy wouldn't get anything like the cargo's true value in his underworld market.

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