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Перевод: unduly speek unduly

чрезмерно; неправильно; незаконно


  1. It feels unduly reliant on GEC and BAe for its procurement needs and does not wish to see this reinforced.
  2. Nonetheless, the music demands attention, and those in search of something rewarding but well off the beaten track and need not hesitate unduly.
  3. This present trip represents, after all, a rare opportunity for me to savour to the full the many splendours of the English countryside, and I know I shall greatly regret it later if I allow myself to become unduly diverted.
  4. True North is one of those big-cliffs HVSs, which, with the eye-catching grades of 4a, 5a and 4c, seemed to offer prestigious, but not unduly difficult, booty.
  5. Presumably he is taking the intention to be to charge the trust only if it is not an unduly great burden on the trustee.
  6. Stewart's departure, after an incident that left Paul Roberts holding his face, did not seem to affect Spurs unduly.
  7. unduly interfere with his neighbour in the comfortable and convenient enjoyment of his land.
  8. But it is absurd to be unduly afraid of borrowing by the state.
  9. This is probably the case since children do things the way that feels natural to them without worrying unduly how it is meant to be done.
  10. Am I being unduly cynical?
  11. Like the other English mystics, Hilton does not want the contemplative to agonise and strain unduly.
  12. THE Court of Appeal has the power to increase Dr Courtney's seven-year sentence if it feels the term imposed at the Old Bailey is "unduly lenient".
  13. So it would be lenders who would gain from credit insurance (and, in particular, from an efficient low-cost insurance scheme which would not seem to their customers to innate their credit payments unduly).

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