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Перевод: unearthly speek unearthly

неземной; сверхъестественный; странный; таинственный; крайне неподходящий


  1. An unearthly character, not to be forgotten once seen; a man in the stylish accoutrements of an English country gentleman or retired guards officer - without a moustache - but totally lacking in the phlegm and equanimity associated with one.
  2. To make matters worse, peculiar pinky glows of static electricity lit up the mastheads and rigging of the ship with an unearthly light.
  3. If a teenager decides to earn money doing a paper round, or a Saturday job, there is no reason why their mother should set her alarm in order to wake them at an unearthly hour.
  4. So it goes south to Gath, but it takes the plague with it, together with an unearthly confusion and terror.
  5. One wonders what young library users would make of such an unnaturally placid, unearthly character.
  6. So letters were unearthly and invaluable, even if they only came from Barclays Bank.
  7. By night the lava lake presents an unearthly sight, with great slabs of dark, solidified crust shifting about slowly on the surface, allowing the bright lava underneath to gleam through along the cracks between slabs.
  8. One verdict on the match was that "Jarrett's goal-kicking was touched with an unearthly magic.
  9. They seemed to her unearthly; a new combination of loss, pain and fear: they were howls she would have made herself only half-an-hour before, if she had known how.
  10. The moving, unearthly off-stage sound of Christopher Robson's counter-tenor in Aribert Reimann's Lear signifying his transformation from Edgar to Poor Tom.
  11. What they find on earth is more unearthly than they are.
  12. In bright and sunny conditions, they will give an unearthly psychedelic punch and dazzle to the scene, with great aesthetic impact.
  13. Clytemnestra let out an unearthly keening howl, her lips snarling back and her tail a stiff prolongation of her backbone.

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