Перевод: unexecuted
[прилагательное] невыполненный; неоформленный
- He goes on to say of course federal laws were not being obeyed in the confederacy because they'd rejected the entire panoply of federal laws and Lincoln goes on to point out must they these laws and the confederacy be allowed to to state the question more directly, are all the laws but one to go unexecuted and the government itself to go to pieces less that one be violated .
- However, in cases where the Director General of Fair Trading has dispensed with that notice (usually in the case of mail order consumer credit agreements), the cooling-off period runs until the end of the fourteenth day following the day on which he signed the unexecuted agreement (s68(b)).
- His work for both king and pope marked him out, along with the bishop of Lincoln, for the unpopular role of chief assessor and collector of the famous papal taxes initiated in 1291-;2 for the king's planned but unexecuted crusade.
- One of Hardy's unexecuted church designs, showing the influence of High Victorianism, and apparent similarities to the new church at Fawley, Berkshire - the original home of his paternal grandmother, and the inspiration for Marygreen in Jude the Obscure .
- (4) Unexecuted agreements signed by the debtor or hirer at business premises which does not include the business premises of the debtor or hirer (s67(b)).
- This section will be displaced by the adoption of a new partnership agreement but not by an unexecuted draft or by heads of agreement unless their terms have in fact been acted upon or all the partners have agreed to be bound by those terms (see Walters v Bingham 1988 1 FTLR 260).
- Subsequent examples included Moreton Hall, Whalley (1829, demolished), while a further dimension of his work was the occasional introduction of details of a localized vernacular derivation - as in his unexecuted designs for a house in Rydal, Westmorland, for William Wordsworth q.v. (1827) which incorporated the cylindrical chimneys characteristic of traditional building in the Lake District.
- Of the relatively few exceptions to the pattern two which call for mention are Chicheley Hall, Buckinghamshire (1719-;21), and Sutton Scarsdale, Derbyshire (begun 1724): the exotic faade of the former probably owes more to the taste of the patron, Sir John Chester, than to Smith's own devising; but Sutton Scarsdale, in part evidently inspired by Gibbs's unexecuted design of 1721 for the university buildings at Cambridge, is his finest work, a wholly convincing essay in the heroic grand manner, in which the giant Corinthian order is handled with total assurance.
- For Christ's Hospital he designed the new grammar school (1793, demolished) - receiving a gratuity of 100 guineas "for his great attention during the building" because he had charged at a rate of only 2 per cent instead of the usual 5 per cent - and additions to the school in Hertford (1800), and also made designs for various ambitious unexecuted schemes for redeveloping the main buildings.
- The results of this experience can be seen, for example, in the Graham mausoleum in Methven, Perthshire (1793) and a number of unexecuted projects of his later years, but most particularly in his finest and best-known work, Cairness House, Aberdeenshire (1791-;7).
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