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Перевод: unfeigned speek unfeigned

неподдельный; искренний; непритворный; истинный


  1. We do most humbly refer our cause and ourselves to the Goodness of your Honor and the Company beseeching you to consider favourably of our unfeigned hindrance beside the great loss of our own stock laid down on these mines.
  2. "Tuan," I said, with unfeigned feeling.
  3. It seemed what mattered, what defined, was the acute moment at the end, not the long, unfeigned relationships which had subsisted before.
  4. To the rector's unfeigned delight, the newcomer was among the very few communicants at the altar rail at the eight o'clock service on the following Sunday.
  5. He saw the surprise on Clarac's face, followed an instant later by a broad smile of unfeigned delight.
  6. These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559, claiming that "if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same, I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned" - even if moderation was never Knox's strong suit and so, unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter, he felt impelled to throw in a postscript: "God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man, but against the eternal God, and against his Son Jesus Christ, the only Prince of the kings of the earth."
  7. The governors felt unable to part from Dr. Yeats without expressing their "unfeigned regret" at his determination to move away from Bedford.
  8. His eyes flashed wide as he said it, and when he looked at his wife it was with unfeigned admiration.

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