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Перевод: unhappiness



  1. Maggie knew all about Phoebe's restless unhappiness, her discontent.
  2. And in these there is nowhere unhappiness can enter.
  3. Nearly all of them expressed unhappiness or discontent, particularly teenager Anne, who was threatening to leave home.
  4. This book has a symbiotic relationship with Professor Stone's earlier volume, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500-;1800 , drawing heavily as it does on the idea of the emergence of affective individualism in family relationships and its link to the rise in marital unhappiness during both the eighteenth and the twentieth centuries.
  5. In an article in the magazine Options , Rose Shepherd debunked the glamour surrounding extra-marital affairs and described the downward spiral of personal unhappiness, as well as the destruction of the marriage.
  6. He remarks to his son that unhappiness is just as necessary to mankind as happiness - one of those cherished convictions of Dostoevsky that get slipped in when our attention is elsewhere.
  7. Girls often become very close to their mothers, consequently the last thing they want to do is to bring any form of unhappiness to their lives.
  8. The worrying question marks over Rose McGarry, the events of yesterday, and Emily's obvious unhappiness had combined to close in on him; as though the world were shrinking, poised to suffocate him.
  9. Whilst the maladjustments remain present, these malconditions increase day by day and week by week, and foster that unsatisfactory state which we call "Unhappiness".
  10. More unhappiness and depression is caused because the person who is suffering spends too much time regretting or resenting what has happened in the past or anticipating fearfully what may occur in the future.
  11. So much of our unhappiness reflects disharmony in our emotions and relationships.
  12. The "bad mood" syndrome brought on by an offensive odour and the resulting symptoms of annoyance can lead to antisocial behaviour; relationships with family, friends and others become strained, the persons most affected perhaps blaming other members of the family for the position in which they find themselves and which they consider intolerable, leading in extreme cases to marriage problems or at least much unhappiness.
  13. Ministers are convinced that unless they stand firm against economic migrants, the West faces "chaos and great unhappiness" and they privately cite peremptory US treatment of unwanted immigrants from countries like Mexico and Haiti.

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