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Перевод: unidirectional speek unidirectional



  1. This does not of course, apply to Yagi antennas, which are more or less unidirectional.
  2. As many readers have discovered the supply of the specified unidirectional microphones for this project has dried up - apparently they are no longer being made.
  3. Irrespective of the precise role of linearity in the Hebrew notion of time, it was for long assumed that the eschatological nature of that concept greatly influenced, by way of Christianity, the development of our modern idea of time's unidirectional non-cyclic nature.
  4. The bar chart below shows the figures for unidirectional composites, in which the fibres are all aligned in the same direction.
  5. Incidentally, a horizontal dipole without parasitic elements is not unidirectional it is bi-directional, having exactly the same "figure-of-eight" response as a ferrite rod antenna!
  6. The Maplin unidirectional electret microphone insert specified for this popular project has now sold out, and further supplies are unlikely to be available.
  7. Top to Bottom: A range of tubes by Pultrex, the "Pullwound" type showing an inner layer; glass fibre tube and rod showing comparatively thicker wall in the tubing, accounting for greater weight; a mix of unidirectional carbon fibre tubes of the most popular type.
  8. It has therefore frequently been maintained that for the ancient Hebrews time was a unidirectional linear process extending from the divine act of creation to the ultimate accomplishment of God's purpose and the final triumph, here on earth, of the chosen people, Israel.
  9. This is pullwinding as developed by Pultrex Ltd., and the result is a sandwich cross-section of unidirectional inner and outer fibres, with helical windings, clockwise and anti-clockwise between.
  10. Pultruded tubes with unidirectional fibres have two recognition factors.
  11. Some of the first life course sociologists assumed that this gradual ageing process was also socially unidirectional, towards "disengagement", as if in acceptance that life itself was ebbing away.
  12. While the arrow diameter of 5.5mm remains a first choice, since so many long established and successful aerobatic kites have been designed around it, two larger sizes were introduced in the same unidirectional carbon tubing.
  13. With the carbon fibres running unidirectional end to end, this tube is crushable under pressure but not of any order likely to arise in kiting.

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