Перевод: unilateral
[прилагательное] односторонний; унилатеральный
- The president's unilateral reforms will achieve little if he does not talk to blacks.
- Above all, over a unilateral nuclear policy, a stance previously adopted with fervour by Kinnock and Michael Foot before him, it was now accepted that this was a programme unpopular with the mass of the British people, and actually rejected by the glasnost of President Gorbachev as well.
- By the end of this week we shall know what the Labour Party no longer stands for, such as unilateral nuclear disarmament and full-scale nationalisation; but what, in essence, does it stand for?
- There will be ritual rebellion in Brighton from the Transport and General Workers Union over Labour's belated renunciation of unilateral nuclear disarmament.
- Fears expressed by these sectors of the economy led to the plan's drafters and the Central Planning Bureau carrying out two impact studies: one based on unilateral action, the other assessing what would happen if other EC countries adopted similar measures.
- He ridiculed the Labour conference endorsement of the policy review shift from unilateral nuclear disarmament as a fudge that failed.
- In 1987, before Labour dropped its links with unilateral nuclear disarmament, membership stood at around 130 MPs.
- It doesn't mean that she has to agree with every sub-paragraph of CND policy, let alone that the party itself is committed to "unilateral nuclear disarmament" - whatever that means, nowadays.
- On attaining majority, or within a reasonable time thereafter, an infant may ratify a contract which is otherwise unenforceable against him or voidable at his option, and he can do this by unilateral act.
- It was not really a political movement (the Communist Party began by opposing it) but it aimed first to convert the Labour Party to unilateral disarmament and, by getting Labour elected, changing government policy.
- In a passage which is bound to be seen as highly controversial in the present situation in East Germany, Sir Leon said: "If Germany's partners give the impression of being opposed to reunification this will only increase what is at present a small risk: that some in Germany may be tempted to seek reunification on the basis of doing a unilateral deal with the Soviet Union, involving the setting up of a new unified German state outside the Community.
- This was solved by the nuclear genes enforcing their preference for peace through unilateral disarmament.
- During the UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) years there was little love lost between the Smith regime and the university - indeed it was often referred to as "the Kremlin on the hill".